Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Back from Berlin and feeling 50% human again! The festival was great and really enjoyed the talks (and maybe a beer or two). Even though the trip was great, the ending wasnt, I have been ill for two days now! I thought the screenings were really good, especially the music video ones. I didnt do any of the workshops but watched the different stages of the felt monster and saw some of the lino cutting too. After being to this festival it has drummed it in my head a bit more that simple is better. The amount of times I keep trying to simple my ideas it just doesn't seem to work and then i get behind and then change the idea 100 times. Its good being back to normal life, my dog missed me which was great but now she is trying her luck and being a douche. So far today she has eaten her bed, been sick and keeps coughing up bits of her bed AND like always hitting my laptop so I cant go on it. And to add to that i'm babysitting my cousins dog tonight so i'm going to be up all night because he cries when he thinks he's alone, the size of him you would think he would be tough but nope he loves his cuddles. This is Jos
Compared to Roxy. Will upload pics of the talks etc once i get them uploaded.
a picture that summed up our trip...


  1. haha multiply that last pic by 50 and that will summarise our trip x

    1. Ya i didnt want to put up ALL the beer pics lol x
